Shortly after Haggai and Zechariah, this prophet intervenes to correct several evil customs within the community. Through Malachi, the Lord argues with those who call him to account, but who do not acknowledge his love.
1.6 The sin of those who offer their surplus to God. From the rising of the sun… (v. 11). Malachi observes that if the Jews are God’s people, they cannot avoid doing what other people do, who, in their own way, worship God sincerely even though they do not know his revelation.
– The sin of the priests who do not know how to teach the law which is their responsibility. If they do not commit themselves to educating the people of God, about their obligations, God will not allow them to continue their external rituals.
– The sin of those who dismiss their wives. The law and customs allowed divorce with specific guarantees for the wife. Malachi says what Jesus will teach with full authority in Matthew 19:1: the will of God regarding marriage is that the two remain together as one. The one who betrays his wife cannot encounter God.
3.1 Now I am sending my messenger. To those complaining that God does not reveal his justice nor reward sufficiently those who serve him, Malachi responds by declaring that the Lord will come soon. He announces the coming of a messenger of God who will be responsible for preparing the way for him, and that will be the sign of his coming soon.
Paragraphs 3:1-2 and 4:22-24 complement each other, and point to John the Baptist. The Gospel will recall them in Luke 1:17; 7:27; John 3:22. Also, see Mark 9:11.
6. Then comes the discussion with those expecting material favors as a reward for their devotion; they wish to be rewarded for having done no evil. God agrees to dialogue with such believers, and through Malachi speaks to them in the only language they can understand: if they do good, one day they will see the Sun of justice and will jump around like calves trampling the wicked underfoot.
19. Verses 19-24 in Hebrew manuscript are Chapter 4:1-6 in Greek manuscript.